Tuesday, September 10, 2019

I Believe in God

Sometimes I find it quite interesting when people say that they are offended. It seems to be a quite the popular phrase now days. I do believe that there are things that are legit & then there are things that are not.

Every day we hear people say that they do not believe in God. That is fine, that is everyone’s choice to believe or not. As a Christian I am not offended when people say that they do not believe. I may feel other emotions but certainly not offended. So why is it that when a Christian says that they are Christian or talk anything about God… everyone gets offended?!? It seems to me that society has a double standard when it comes to freedom of religion. Someone can NOT believe in God & that is all fine and dandy. But OMGsh if someone says they are a Christian and even worse talks about that guy named God… everyone gets their panties in a bunch!

The whole “offended” things pretty much goes along with anything in society. And you know what I have found if I do not agree with things that other people believe then they are offended & I am a “bigot”. I honestly cannot tell you how much the word “bigot” frustrates me. It’s like this:

Me: “I do not agree with that.”
Someone else: “Well you are a stupid, inconsiderate, bigot!”
Me: “How does saying that you do not agree with something qualify as being a bigot?”
Someone else: “You are the most ridiculous person I have ever met & it’s people like you that…”

Get my point?! I have actually had several conversations like that. Conversations where I have simply tried to explain why I do not agree with something, the other person blowing up & wait for it… I get called a bigot.

So let’s just post the definition before it pops up in my comments as someone trying to throw it in my face. So here it is in all it’s glory… the definition of bigotry.

Bigotry is the state of mind of a bigot: someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats other people with fear, distrust, hatred, contempt, or intolerance on the basis of a person’s ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics.

So let’s get back to being offended. Sorry I kind of went off on a rabbit trail. I think that people use it correctly, I just think that people get their feathers ruffled to easily now days. What ever happened to letting it roll off your back? Brush it off & move on. Or as a quote that I think Dr. Suess gets too much credit for goes…

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
― Bernard M. Baruch

I really think people need to lighten up & learn to brush things off. Stand your ground for what you believe in & if someone doesn’t agree then that is OK. Not everyone has to agree on everything & that is why this world is so interesting(for lack of a better word).

Let’s stop calling a foul on any & every little thing. Life is too short to let everything get to you!

SO you are wondering where in the world this post came from, well I was told to leave my personal beliefs off my farm page. Stick to farming & leave God out of it. So here is my response to that regarding my Facebook page.

If you do not like what you see, you can do one of two things. Close your eyes or simply go to another page. It really isn’t that hard. I promise, I actually do it quite often.

There are three things that I am passionate about. God, my family & our lifestyle. If you do not like those things then my page is not the page for you. So I bid you farewell as you hit the “unlike” button & find a page more suitable for your “likes”.

With that said, a song by Aaron Tippin came to mind. You might have heard of it.

“You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything
You’ve got to be your own man not a puppet on a string
Never compromise what’s right and uphold your family name
You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything”
I for one am a person”

With all that said, I will continue to post about God, my family & our farm. I thank everyone that has supported us along the way & give God full credit for the life we have been given. Here is a blog I wrote on the secret to our success as dairy farmers!

Have a great day everyone!
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