Saturday, November 30, 2019

Our First FaceTime Date

So you probably know I'm a bit shy and nervous when seeing someone for the first time. I mean their is a lot that goes through my head, "What if he doesn't like me anymore?" or "What if he isn't attracted to me anymore?" It gets worse from there. But this time I was also excited because I really liked this guy. His name is Calvin and to  me, he is the cutest guy ever!

He lives about two hours away from me. To some this may not be what they would consider as a long distance relationship. A long-distance relationship or long-distance romantic relationship is an intimate relationship between partners who are geographically separated from one another. Partners in LDRs face geographic separation and lack of face-to-face contact.

"Couples who live in a long-distance relationship should always remember that the situation is usually just temporary," says Schweyer. "It's important to create future plans and set up important milestones that are worth working for—for example, a move to the same city or apartment."

Our date

For our date we mostly just talked about what we want for the future, kids, etc. We didn't stay on the phone very long, that way he could get sleep because he worked the next day. A few of the ideas and things we did, I found on BestLife.
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