Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Note: I may earn money or products from the companies, products, or links mentioned in this post.

I have honestly been wanting to write a post about making friends who are also in the military as a  girlfriend myself. How do you make friends, either civilian or military? This is definitely a post everyone can learn from civilian or military. I want a post like this to be able to help both people, but especially military girlfriends, because (hopefully becoming a wife) they PCS so much.

I recently started a support group on Facebook for girlfriends to wives who are looking for friends or networking throughout Illinois. I am growing it (or trying to) through my blog. Hopefully I will be expanding to other places for growth. One of the things I love hearing a support groups is that it is a safe place to share your feelings with everyone in the group and that it is not ever discussed outside of the group. This always surprises me, and I hope that these tips can help other girlfriends who feel the same way.

Making Friends:

"I have found that the key to making friends is that you have to be a friend first. Even if you are the newbie and have no idea what you may be doing, sometimes you have to take the first step! I know some ladies are shy, and let me tell you I used to be one of the shyest girls, but when I went to college I had to get past it and learn to make friends. That has helped me a lot and prepared me for military life. Sometimes I still find it hard to take that first step, but every time I have, I have found it so worth it!"

1. Join a Support Group

I think I have mentioned this in every part of the “Young and in the Military” series so far, but it is so important, and a big help! Look online for military girlfriend support groups. A lot of times once you join you will find other ladies like you who are also looking for support through the military life.

2. Volunteer

Here in Springfield, Illinois we have the reserves and the national guard pretty close. So volunteering at the local shops or with any volunteer opportunity to get close to other soldiers or their base is a great way to learn about military life. Plus I wanted something to do and I knew volunteering would be something that would be helpful and keep me busy. I went to the Family Readiness Center (online) and found out what areas on the base needed volunteers. I ended up volunteering at the Center itself, making pillow cases for children with deployed parents, and doing other odds and ends jobs.

3. Join a Girlfriends Group on Facebook

I know I have mentioned this before in other parts of this series, but this is one thing that has been a big help to me. The group gets together every once in a while and goes out to eat or meets for ice cream or something. It’s a great way to meet friends and it is how I met almost every single one of my friends here. You can also post on the group that you are looking for a work-out buddy a walking buddy, or even just a play date with the kids. A friend of mine posted about working out and we met at the local gym (before my wheelchair) to work out several times a week, and now that we have gotten to know each other we are great friends! Usually there will always be someone else who has the same interests as you, so why not speak up!

To read the rest of this series, click here:

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