Monday, December 3, 2018

BLOGMAS 2018 | DAY 3 | A holiday tradition passed down through the generations

One of our family’s favorite guilty pleasures is watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation during the holiday season. We love watching Clark, Russ, and cousin Eddy fumble their way through Griswold family traditions. It’s a tradition of our own.

Every year, around this time, we settle into a routine of rituals, such as watching the Griswold’s discover the squirrel living in their Christmas tree, that bring joy to our family and lay enriching groundwork for years to come. Holiday traditions are a big deal around our house.

I hope they are part of your holiday season as well, because holiday traditions lead to the magic moments that bind families and communities together year round.

The Importance of Holiday Traditions
Traditions are one of the foundations of a family. They are rituals, big and small, that often mark particular times and events throughout the year. Traditions give us a sense of belonging and provide ways to express our priorities. They bind us to past generations of family, and build a bridge to future ones.

Traditions that take place during the holiday season are among the most cherished and sacred. Three holiday traditions, in particular, stand out from my childhood. We’d always go to church on Christmas Eve. We’d take a walk after our Christmas Eve meal. And the meal would feature a once-per-year side dish called Yorkshire pudding (made from batter consisting of eggs, flour, milk and beef drippings).

More than opening the presents under the tree, these are the traditions that I remember most fondly and vividly.

I know I’m not alone in cherishing these little moments. In her book, Ask the Children, author Ellen Galinsky discusses a survey she conducted in which she asked children what they would remember most about their childhood. Most responded by talking about simple traditions like family dinners, holiday get-togethers, and bedtime stories. It may seem like the presents under the tree get all of the attention, but simple traditions are the real star of the holiday show.

A New Approach to an Old Tradition
Traditions are more important than ever to me now that I have young children of my own. Yes, my kids make their Christmas wish lists and love tearing through presents to see what Santa brought them, but we’ve all witnessed how quickly the allure of a shiny new toy fades. The best moments are the small, simple ones that don’t involve wrapping paper and big credit card bills.

Last year we started a new holiday tradition. Our kids love decorating the Christmas tree, and are always giddy with anticipation as I bring boxes down from the attic filled with our collection of ornaments.

My wife and I have collected many beautiful ornaments over the years, and so in years past we would carefully hang these ornaments just so in order to give them prominence at the front of the tree.

Our kids, on the other hand, are most drawn to many of the old, imperfect ornaments at the bottom of the box—ornaments from our youth that were preserved by our parents and passed down to us.

These include macaroni noodles glued to construction paper, shrinky dink candy canes, tattered old Sesame Street characters, and gumdrop glued snowmen that my wife and I created several decades ago when we were kids. These are the ornaments that we traditionally placed at the back of the tree, for no one to see.

But last year we decided to do something different. We’ve been on a journey to purge perfection—or at least the appearance of it (after all, no matter how hard we tried perfection was never attainable)—from our lives. So instead of imposing our own version of what a Christmas tree should look like, we decided to let the kids take charge.

Our tree now looks like something you’d find on the island of misfit toys. It would never grace the pages of a magazine, but rather than perfection our tree is now filled with something far more powerful: love and precious family memories. The ornaments that spent so many years at the back of the tree are now taking center stage. And our tree is far better for it.

But it’s not the ornaments themselves that matter the most. It’s the story that each ornament represents that our kids appreciate most. While there’s plenty of room for more ornaments on our tree, it hardly seems big enough to contain all of the memories it holds. Its branches sag under the weight of holiday tradition.

Our kids delight in the tree’s miniature reminders of moments passed, from ornaments my wife and I received as gifts during our own childhoods, to crafts we made in school. Faded photos of family, often glued to colored construction paper, tell stories of past generations who are no longer with us in body, but remain present in spirit. Our tree, imperfect as it is, tells our family’s story. It’s a tradition that I hope our kids will continue with their own.

Three Ideas for Holiday Traditions of Your Own

There are many holiday traditions that we engage in every year as a family. Again, it’s far less important—especially to kids—what a tradition entails. What’s more important is the establishment of holiday rituals, regardless of their form.

Here are a few ideas for fun and meaningful holiday traditions that you may consider adopting for your own family.

1. Cutting down a Christmas tree.

Sure, it’s easy to go to the local tree lot and pick up a beautiful Fraser Fir pre-wrapped in plastic webbing. But there’s nothing like trudging out into the countryside with hacksaw in hand, and family in tow, and cutting down the perfect tree to serve as the backdrop for some imperfect ornaments.

2. Hosting Events.

In the past, my house is the one who hosts holidays due to size. We can hold the whole family with room in between. A recent post on BizBash shared a few tips written by Michele Laufik that first appeared in the Fall issue of the BizBash magazine. It described different ideas for formal and non-formal party traditions a few she herself has started with her own family,  in which their are different picture ideas for the holiday season you can  do. 

Experiencing the Simple Joys of the Holidays

Too often, the holidays are a hectic, harried time, full of shopping and social obligations. During the past few years we’ve been making a concerted effort to be more present, mindful, and grateful throughout the season, while focusing on things—family, friends, and fun—that really matter. A big part of that mindfulness is maintaining established traditions and creating some new ones.

Don’t get caught up in trying to create perfect, Pinterest-worthy family traditions. Slow down and let go of expectations. The best traditions are often messy, simple, and spontaneous. There are no rules when it comes to creating traditions, other than the importance of having them. The real magic of holiday traditions lies in the opportunity to experience special moments with family that will last for generations to come.
Sunday, December 2, 2018

Blogmas 2018 | Day 2 | Christmas Time Top 5 on my Playlist

Ah, the Christmas songs. Every year, around October, they slowly start to creep on over sound and PA systems as you browse through the clothing racks of your favourite shops. Love them or loathe them, we all have ones that stick out in our mind.

I’ve been ridiculously festive this year – I think planning blogmas back in October had an impact on that. But I found myself searching Spotify weekly for a list of Christmas songs to indulge a guilty pleasure – Christmas songs before it’s socially acceptable.

Over time you develop a list of favourites. I’ve grouped all of mine in a Spotify playlist at the bottom of this post. But I’ll give a low down on my top 5 first!

5. Do You Hear What I Hear by Carrie Underwood

A classic, really. I mean this is definitely a church song. Haven't you heard this song? Don't you love it? This my not be my all the favorite song, but I really live listening to songs that bring in the thought of Jesus.

4. I'm Getting Nuttin For Christmas by Shirley Temple

I love this song because it was sung in a child's voice. Adults  would find this to be a more boring song because of rarely hearing it. It’s cheesy, but has a good beat and is a lovely, feel good sing-along kinda song!

3. The Christmas Song by Justin Bieber

Kind of a guilty pleasure for me - this song always makes me feel warm during the Christmas season… I really love the rhythm of this song. It’s just really light hearted and cute.

2. Linus and Lucy by Vince Guaraldi Trio

I LOOOOVVVEEEEEEE the Peanuts!  So of course this song is in the top 5. I absolutely adore this song because for ne it''s just one of those things that make me think "how can a young child play something like this and have it  sound so great?" Also they have everyone dancing as a part of this song. I mean isn't that what Christmas is all about?

1. You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch by Thurl Ravenscroft

This song DEFINITELY follows the Christmas theme... This is a favorite of mine because I LOVE How the Grinch Stole Christmas - the book and the movie (non-animated version, of course). It’s definitely for the Christmas party sing-along!

So there are my top 5 Christmas songs. It’s by no means all of them. So,conveniently for you, I’ve put all of my favourites into a Spotify playlist for you to enjoy!

Did I miss out your favourite song? Let me know if I need to add anything to my playlist!
Saturday, December 1, 2018

Blogmas 2018 | Day 1 | On the First Day of Blogmas...

Can you believe it’s DECEMBER already? WHAT! I guess it’s true what our parents used to tell us… time really DOES go by more quickly as you get older. The Holidays used to seem lightyears away from a child’s perspective, but now that I’m older it gets a little less magical. Realistic thinking starts to settle in as you begin your Christmas shopping in August and you have to actually start PLANNING when and where your holiday celebrations will take place, rather than following your parents around and just simply receiving gifts from Santa. As you get older, keeping the Christmas spirit alive gets harder. That’s why little things like hosting BLOGMAS in December are a must!


I’m not SUPER into the Holiday season {WHAT?! How am I even HUMAN?! I know}, but every year I like to contribute to this season and spill a smidgen of Christmas cheer onto the blog, which results in a little thing I like to call “Blogmas.” Blogmas on Spreading the Bliss consists of daily festive posts from December 1st up until December 25th. Essentially it’s just a fun and creative way of doing a Christmas countdown from the beginning of December up until Christmas day! Some people choose to do “12 Days of Blogmas” or all 31 days in December, but I like to have a good middle ground and stick with the classic countdown until Christmas!


Celebrating with you all makes me incredibly happy and, now more than ever, I’m going to need people to spread some Christmas cheer alongside me! I will be away from my family and life is a bit chaotic due to my recent move. But I have decided that this year will be a VERY special one, because I have asked a few of my beautiful blogger and influencer friends to get involved! We will be writing about ALL THE HOLIDAY THINGS. Everything from creative DIY and makeup to unique personal tales from all types of Christmases! So stay tuned for lots of wonderful festive posts that will surely hype you up for this Christmas season🎄

I can’t wait to spend the Holidays with you this year! I hope you find enjoyment and feel prepared for this season, I know I’m already getting excited. Make sure you’re subscribed to the Spreading the Bliss newsletter to keep yourself updated and aware on what’s happening on the blog this Christmas! And go ahead and give this post a big ol’ “ ❤️” below if you’re excited for this series. Happy Holidays, and Merry Blogmas to all!
Friday, November 30, 2018

Blogmas 2018 + 25 Post Ideas!

It’s the holidays!!! Thanksgiving is over and it’s officially the holiday season. Nothing against Thanksgiving or anything. I love Thanksgiving! But it’s no lie that I definitely love Christmas more. It’s just so much more magical and I always look forward to all the fun traditions.

In terms of blogging, I feel like I lack in holiday content around here. I admit I’m horrible some months/years at remembering to plan out and create holiday-centered content and it feels like I’m really missing out on some great collaborations and traffic because of it. there. So this year, I thought it would be super fun to participate in Blogmas.


Okay so for those of you who don’t know what Blogmas/Vlogmas is, it’s 12, 25, or 31 days straight of holiday and winter-related content. I will be doing 25 days from December 1st to the 26th  (I have one previously scheduled sponsored post going live on the 5th that is not holiday or winter themed so that post will be the only exception to Blogmas!). Some may also do a ’12 days of Christmas’ sort of theme while others may go the full 31 days. I felt 25 days was the perfect amount for me so that’s what I’m going with.

You may see this trend a lot more on Youtube with Vlogmas. That’s how I became acquainted with the trend years ago. So many of my favorite beauty Youtubers would participate in Vlogmas and it always seemed so fun. So this year I decided to participate in Blogmas!


As mentioned above, the idea of Blogmas/Vlogmas always seemed fun to me, but in addition to that, I feel like I’ve been in a little bit of a blogging rut recently. Moving cross-country threw me off a bit and it’s been a struggle to really get back to it. So I thought Blogmas would be a great way to get my creative juices flowing again. So in October, I sat down and brainstormed a ton of awesome content for you all and I’ve been working on it ever since. At this point, most of Blogmas is already typed up and scheduled out so I’m super excited!!


I have SO much planned. As mentioned above, about 85-90% of December is already typed up and scheduled out for you all which is super exciting. I’m quite proud of myself for being glued to my computer in the month of November ensuring this is all set and ready to go (I can now spend December relaxing and spending time with family!). Here’s some of the content you can expect during Blogmas:

  • How to deal with holiday stress
  • Family-friendly winter activities in Springfield Illinois
  • Home holiday decor
  • Holiday traditions to start with your little ones
  • How to keep your family organized during the busiest time of year
  • Stocking stuffers
  • An Illinois Gift Guide
  • and more!

I’ve also updated ALL of my holiday content from previous years so you’ll see those circulating through my various social media feeds as well this next month.


I saw a few other bloggers bring up such a great point on this the other day so I felt I had to address it here as well. While Blogmas is supposed to be super fun and can be a great way to get your creative juices flowing, I think it’s something that cannot and should not be done on a whim if you want it to be successful. And here’s why:

When done incorrectly (aka on a whim), Blogmas can lead to less traffic, low-quality blog posts, a non-existent marketing strategy, and a very tired, overwhelmed blogger. I’ve been working on this for a couple of months now so there’s a whole strategy on the backend. I have a ton of social media already scheduled out, blog posts typed up, my email newsletters ready to be sent, etc. A strategy is key if you want Blogmas to be successful and an effective strategy cannot be made in an hour on November 30th.

Now, this doesn’t mean you can’t participate in Blogmas. You totally can! But if you want Blogmas to be a success and really drive traffic to your site then having a plan in place is going to help you tremendously. So if this sounds like something you want to do, I highly recommend getting started on Blogmas 2019 around August/September or so and really put everything you have into it!


Want to try Blogmas for yourself? Here are 25 blog post ideas to get you started!

  1. Gift guide for your spouse
  2. Gift guide for your kids
  3. Your holiday wish list
  4. Your kids’ wish list(s)
  5. Your favorite holiday movies
  6. A holiday tradition passed down through the generations
  7. A favorite recipe you always make
  8. Your favorite winter beauty products
  9. A recap of your Thanksgiving/Christmas
  10. Winter/holiday activities in your area
  11. Your home’s holiday decorations
  12. Stockings stuffers for pets
  13. A review/recap of fun holiday outings you do with your family
  14. How you tackle holiday stress
  15. Who do you celebrate the holidays with?
  16. Your favorite Christmas memory
  17. How to save money during the holidays
  18. How you keep yourself healthy during the holidays
  19. Your winter skincare routine
  20. Gifts under $20
  21. Festive makeup ideas
  22. Tips to surviving Christmas shopping
  23. Host a giveaway
  24. Holiday date ideas
  25. Ways to give back this Christmas

For updates on Blogmas, holiday sales, local events, tips for surviving the holidays, and more, be sure to sign up for our newsletter!


Friday, September 7, 2018

Corn Life Decal

I'm going to mix things up a little today. I’ve been talking about things from a farmer’s daughters point of view. Today, I want to use the college student viewpoints.

I’m sure a lot of people have seen an image similar to the one shown. So, as I am leaving the college parking lot, I saw a salt life decal. I’m thinking to myself, okay this person either like the beach, or was originally from the beach, I wasn’t sure. But now you live in Illinois which is hundreds of miles from the beach. The ‘salt life’ maybe your dream, although the ‘corn life’ is your reality.

People  have asked things like – what does corn life mean to me and what is corn life. Well to me it means being myself and growing plants like corn for a living. I love help plant and even harvest season, I am an all around farmer’s daughter and I couldn’t be prouder of where I live. Corn life is more than just living in the Midwest and knowing we grow corn. Its about getting close to family & friends, other farmers, watching them plant, knowing the ins and outs of production, and watching growth happen.

If you want a corn life decal, I couldn’t find any online meaning they would have to be made online. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Illinois.

What does Corn Life mean to you?
Friday, August 17, 2018

What to Let Go of After High School

Since you probably just graduated high school, it’s time to let go of old habits and start fresh. College is time to start new, so with this being your last summer before college, clean up your life, end bad habits, and get ready for new beginnings! If you want to know more ways to let go after high school, look at this here!

Fake friends

Seeing someone every day, it is easy to call yourself “friends.”Even if there are some you don”t care about. When you walk across the stage, maybe you don’t see them again. Don’t hold on to bad friendships. Focus on your true friends and work to maintain those relationships throughout college.

Too cool?

In high school, it’s easy to think others are below you. Certain cliques or things you’re into just doesn’t seem cool. But when you go to college, knowing it’s okay to be excited about stuff, is perfectly okay. It’s a good thing to be passionate about things and you definitely should be! In college you get the chance to find out what you love and become passionate about them, not think you’re too cool to care.

Do you hate all your classes?

Senior year, you think your classes are supposed to be a total drag. It seems as if you aren’t really learning anything. In college, you’re taking classes that apply to your future career, which is really pretty cool. Plus, you (or your parents) are paying a lot to be there, so make sure you show up and show you care about it!

Closed off

Being in the same school for 12 years, you find it easy to close yourself off and be with people you like and things you enjoy. There’s never a reason to try new things. Let that go! Leave your comfort zone! I promise the results will be amazing. You will try so many new things and meet tons of new people when you go to college – don’t turn away anything for any reason.

Are you being rude?

I know when sharing a house with someone, it’s easy to become annoyed. But distance is a good reminder of the best parts of people and how much they care about you. Spend time with them because you will miss them. The saying that distance makes the heart grow fonder really does ring true here!

Fitting in

I never really fit in with everyone in high school, my four years I was in a wheelchair. So yes, it’s hard to leave the status quo in high school – mostly because you do want to fit in, and because you live at home. In college, there are different varieties of people, so you will find your tribe. You never have to pretend when making new friends. If you want to do something completely different, do it there are people who will still like you. Your college years are when you leave behind the social norms and do whatever you want to do (within reason of course!) Don’t let the fear of being “awkward or weird” stop you from being you and doing want you want.


If you don’t want to be with someone but your afraid to break up because you would see them, break it off now. If you 100% dedicated to who you’re dating, break it off before the distance makes it worse. Not saying all high school relationships can’t survive the long distance, I’m saying it is hard and both of you have to want to make it work.

Study habits

You may have gotten a great GPA with little to no studying in high school. However, college is totally different. With a few exceptions, college classes require you to study to actually pass. You wouldn’t be able to skate by like in high school. Leave the procrastination and poor studying skills behind when you enter into college. Take this from me – I was a 4.0 student in high school and I thought it would be the same in college – those first few tests were a wake up call!

Moving on!

Well there you have it! Eight things to let go of in order to be a successful college student! Is there anything you can think of letting go after high school? Let me know below! If you want to check out 8 more things to let go of after high school, you an find that post here.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Prepping For a New Semester

Everyone knows there is a new semester about to start (being high school or college), it's time to start gearing up for the fall semester. I know some of y’all are probably counting down the days until your next break, but here are some tips to get help you with preparing for a new semester.


  1. Start getting organized -- I understand classes have not yet started, when they do stay organized. Print out your syllabus for each class. purchase your class books, buy school supplies, and write down all your assignments in your planner. 
  2. Get back on schedule -- As classes are beginning, you don't want to be dragging your first week. I realize even for myself it is very difficult getting back on track after break but it's nice being able to do so.
  3. Create a schedule for yourself -- If you're like me, not only are you involved in clubs or honors but you hold down a job. Make sure you write down  everything important (class, exam,  meeting, etc.) that way you know when you're going to have a busier day in advance.
  4. Start working ahead or on reading --If you already have a posted syllabus work or read ahead for the semester, jump right in and be ahead of your game. I always felt better prepared for class if I read/worked on the material beforehand even if it's not feasible.
  5. Mentally prepare yourself for the semester ahead -- The first week back to school is always exciting and overwhelming so get your head in the A-game and make sure you have the right mindset to start off the semester.

    Hope that your semester starts off strong! Have a great Thursday, y’all.
        How do you go about preparing for a new semester? Let me know down in the comments.
        Friday, June 1, 2018

        How to Prep for College When Still in High School

        I'm 4 years out of High School, with graduation upon us, it's hard not to be nostalgic! My high school experience was okay between Art Club, Key Club, and doing about average in classes, but I missed out on a lot of opportunities that could have been really helpful in college.

        How to Prep for College When Still in High School

        For some background, I took some computer classes, honors (suppose they could be AP), and math classes to help move me along faster in my major, I wasn't completely unprepared. I also couldn't decide my major until mid-second semester, it helped I started at a community college. Pretty much, everyone's high school experience was totally different, but through my experiences these are all thugs I did or believe would help current high school students preparing for college.

        Diversify your skills

        Being in high school is the perfect time to try something new, you're not in a specific field and you have opportunities to take electives free. Even if You know what you want to do, major in your freshman year, diversifying your skills and experiences gives you more to add to your resume and maybe you find something your passionate about.

        Like me, I knew I wanted to become a CEO of a big company my freshmen year, but there's many different areas I didn't even consider. Media, local, music, pretty much any industry you can think of. In high school I took music theory, art, web design, piano, and business alongside my required classes, and I still talk about my experiences in those classes and sports today during a lot of my interviews.

        That leads me to my next tip…


        Don't just show up to practices, take the time outside of school to get better at whatever you're doing. Like me, what I'd practice outside of school were things I fell head over heels for, gained lessons/friends for life, and talked about in college essays or interviews.

        Sports may not even everyone's thing, I enjoyed watching but being in a wheelchair I was unable to participate. When I was still able to walk fairly well, I played softball, karate, dance class; I played in outside leagues/classes but never felt like I loved playing. Competitive sports weren't my thing, but I didn't play sports in high school for health reasons.

        Art club was about showing your artistic personality. When you spends hours and hours with people showing their personality and helping each other you make lifelong friends. I would recommend School clubs like this one to any student wanting to show their art and leadership skills.

        As for the college connection, all my college essays were written about my experience with Art club and Key club. All those questions as in, "how did you handle times when you felt angry or upset?" are east to give details about when you have easy memories to access. Leadership questions were a piece of cake when you show it through your work or in a group.


        I never did this mostly because I didn't know they existed when I was in high school, really take advantage of these offers and go for it! Most of these internships require no experience, making them perfect opportunities to try something you maybe interested in at a professional level.

        I'm not a good source to be versed in internships outside of writing and communications, do some googling and you'd find great resources. If you're going into a major like Communications or Journalism, I would definitely recommend checking out these programs:


        Not a lot of majors can do this, but if your work makes a finished product, save it! Add it to a folder (even if it's a online folder) or put it on a website then you'll be able to share it.


        It requires time and money, but I seriously recommend taking classes at the local community college while in high don't have to repeat what classes you take which is really helpful when you're taking as many credits as possible to graduate in 4 years.

        To be honest, the 4-year college versions of the classes weren’t very hard and offered a great buffer between my communications classes, but the real benefit of taking community college classes is that they’re shorter (6 weeks vs a semester), cheaper, and they free up time in your schedule for more interesting classes.


        If you know the college you want to go too, great! If not, learn as much as possible about the school's you're applying to before you accept. You don't learn much from the college website, and the best way to gain advice is asking the students who attend.

        I would google the college bloggers who attend the college you're interested in, they would most likely have posts written to help you! I get emails every week from prospective AU students asking about how I like Tuscaloosa, what the workload is like, and whether I like my major, and I’m happy to help them out. Bloggers are super friendly and almost always willing to lend a helping hand!

        START A BLOG

        I’m a little biased here, although when I say starting a blog was one of the best decisions of my life. This blog has helped me pay my rent, meet incredible friends, and connect with companies I never imagined working with. It’s also the project I talk about in about every interview, and several recruiters have specifically told me they think that this experience diversifies me as a candidate! I’ve found several posts on starting a blog, so if that sounds like something you’re interested in, check these out:
        If you have any questions about my high school or college experience, feel free to ask in the comments or send me an email!
        Thursday, May 31, 2018

        7 Twitter Accounts Every College Student Should be Following

        Being a soon-to-be college student, I don't need to tell you that Twitter is just for fun or friends anymore. These days, we use it for everything- sharing things with friends, networking, news, and yes, to look at funny animal pictures and keep up with our favorite celebrities.

        7 Twitter Accounts Every College Student Should be Following

        Why should being a college student be any different?

        Easy - it shouldn't .

        Where you're just starting to look at schools or already in a school, adding these accounts to your feed for tips you won't seem to find anywhere else.


        Twitter bio: Breaking news from CNN Digital. Now 55M strong. Check @cnn for all things CNN, breaking and more.

        CNN Breaking New brings the fastest news on Twitter. It breaks quicker here than any other CNN sources, which is great when writing a paper.


        I'd recommend following this account to any student. This account keeps followers up to date with the latest college news stories, nationwide. They also tweet about handling different situations students find themselves in. This is a must-follow for all students!

        @"Your School"

        As a student, you should always be following your school. Following your schools Twitter account keeps you up to date and informed about things such as: school closings, events, and deadlines to add or drop classes.


        I don't know about you, but I find College life is just as stressful as it is fun. Motivation tweets different quotes from successful people. Follow this account, and you might read a quote someday that just might motivate you to get out of bed and make an early morning Monday class.


        If you're an upperclassmen getting ready to enter the world, you could benefit from following Tweet My Jobs. This account tweets job openings in different fields, in areas all over the United States. Get a step ahead of your competition by being the first to hear about job openings that you're qualified for.


        As a communications major, I've been taught to understand the importance of being media-literate. If you want to be successful in life, you have to know what's going on in the world. I follow CNN because it brings me news from all around the world. Who says you have to watch the news or read the paper to keep yourself informed? You're going to read tweets off of your TL all day anyway, so you might as well read some news too.
        Wednesday, May 30, 2018

        5 of My Favorite College Bloggers Everyone Should be Following!

        Blogging today is really popular. It seems like everyone either wants a blog or has one and it can be about anything. There are blogs out there for fitness, beauty, fashion, food, travel, cooking, kittens, video games, etc. Name a topic. There’s a blog about it.

        Some blogs are about nothing in particular, and are just meant to be fun reads and updates on a person’s life. No matter what your favorite blog topics are, you should check out this list on five of my favorite college blogs out there run by college students. Are you inspired yet?

        5 of My Favorite College Bloggers Everyone Should be Following!

        Life As A Dare

        This blog is ran by Rebecca Lindenbach. She discusses my different topics like college, relationships, faith, and more! The 21 year old psychology grad helps or college student through her experiences as a graduate student and newlywed. As her blog is titled "Life As A Dare" she challenges her followers to, "Challenge yourself, find your purpose, and pursue it with all your heart."

        The Swirl Blog

        Ran by best friends Gabby and Hannah, "The Swirl Blog" discusses everything from college, lifestyle, travel, etc. Gabby is a junior studying biology, while enjoying "brunch, Birks, and no iced white mochas." Hannah is also a junior who is studying chemical engineering. Her motto is, "You're never fully dressed without a monogram." They may not be at the same college, they constantly collaborate to bring their readers new and interesting posts other college students totally relate too.

        Chase the Write Dream

        Ran by Tori Canonage, "Chase the Write Dream" talks about millennial life, college & career, healthy eating, and so much more! Tori is a millennial with a bachelor's degree in human services and a masters degree in psychology. She's passionate about helping college students and twenty-somethings find their place in the world.

        Dani Dearest

        Ran by Dani, a 20 year old college junior, and offers college advice; including fitness, study, and organization tips. "Dani Dearest" began as a small blog, and grown to become an empowering community with many followers. In her "about" section, Dani expresses that she uses her blog to share her thoughts on college, and cope with her anxiety. Dani's posts on college will definitely be helpful to other students.

        Sara Laughed

        Ran by Sara, a writer, an aspiring programmer, and she lives in the Netherlands. She offers posts in college, being an adult , world , etc. She studied religion at Wellesley College, spent her junior year at Oxford and recently got her degree December of 2016. She uses her blog to share her thoughts on college, and the little in betweens in life. Her posts in all areas of life are very helpful to others.
        Tuesday, May 1, 2018

        Things I Learned as a College Freshman

        Being a college freshman is quite difficult. It’s a new environment, new students, and you have to make new friends. Going into college freshman year is scary. Anyone who tells you anything otherwise is either lying to you. It is fine to admit that you’re a little bit terrified of new situations. Visiting somewhere where you know nobody is bad in itself, but when you’re being dropped off there and told “see you in three months!” you suddenly realize just how alone you are.

        10 things I learned my freshman year:

        I just finished my freshman year and I learned so much. There is so much that I didn’t know going into college because nobody told me. I had unrealistic expectations and unnecessary worries. I compiled this list of things that I wish somebody would have told me before I entered my freshman year of college.

        I never done this, I can’t say how great or how much everyone should do this. Although, just because no one says rude things or nags you doesn’t mean you should make good, healthy choices every day. You’re sitting at a desk all day, in front of a laptop, and then sitting in class listening to lectures when you finally get to venture out from behind your desk.

        Staying healthy in college is even more important than it was in high school for most of us.

        You don’t need to do much–but even if you start small by eating healthy lunches and breakfasts instead of just having pancakes and heavy pastas. When you’re doing a bunch of readings you don’t really need to take notes on, why not try to do some of them while walking on an incline on the treadmill? This year you have a chance to decide who you will become, so please take steps to make sure that you become a healthy person. Maybe not a crazy health nut, but at least stay in shape. Treat yourself right and opt for grilled chicken over pizza every now and then!

        • Start a study group.

        I learned so much from my friends, we incorporated professional help a few times. Discussing and experiencing studying with friends can not only make studying so much easier but it’s fun too. Discussing and explaining what you’re learning helps commit it to memory far more effectively than mindlessly reading from a textbook. But be careful to study with friends who will be focused on studying, you can have a social hour after your exam.

        • You have a chance to start over.

        This is really not emphasized enough. I went to a medium-sized university in Alabama after being a small-town country girl for my entire life. University allowed me to completely switch how people saw me–instead of being that small-town girl, I got to be Nichole, a college woman who’s funny, hard working, and a go-getter.

        You don’t need to hold on to what you were in high school. This is your chance to become the person that you’ve always dreamed of being–because no one knows who you are! That anonymity is honestly the best gift you can be given, because it allows you to have choice. So embrace it.

        • Go to class.

        There have been studies that prove going to class is linked with higher grades, not shocking but you’d be surprised how many students make a habit of skipping class. It’s just an hour or two out of your day, one that you or your parents are paying about 50 dollars a class for you to attend, lets not let that money go to waste!

        • Call your family.

        I know you’re super busy and sometimes it slips your mind, but I can promise you that your parents and grandparents would love to hear from you every now and then.

        • Explore!

        You are lucky enough to be exposed to a whole new city, state, or in some people’s cases – country! There is so much to see on campus and in the surrounding towns, it’d be a shame to miss out. If your school has one, I’d highly recommend trekking out to the arboretum, University of Illinois has a gorgeous one!

        • Create a resume.

        If you haven’t needed one yet, I can assure you that you’ll need one soon. When you’re a freshman you can still put all of those high school achievements and leadership positions on there, so take advantage of those while you still can!

        • Your syllabus is there for a reason.

        Read it, reference it, worship it. At the beginning of every semester your professors will hand you a packet that tells you step by step how to pass their class, yet so many students ignore it. As soon as I got all of my syllabi second semester I copied all of my upcoming due dates into my planner and simplified my life so much.

        • Make friends with everyone you can.

        BSWs, the cooks in the dining halls, your dorm’s security officers, and the list goes on. Not only is it just a nice thing to do, but they are from your campustown, they can tell you about all of the best places on and around campus and many of them have some pretty great stories to tell.

        • Meet your professors.

        Professors are people too, and most people are pretty nice. But they are far more likely to go above and beyond for someone that they already know – so don’t wait until you’re in trouble to meet them. If the end of the semester approaches and you’re not doing so hot, chances are they’ll be more willing to help you out if they recognize that you’ve come to office hours and you participate in class.

        That’s all that I have for you today! Did I miss anything? Let me know what your best tips are for college students! Thanks for reading!
        Wednesday, April 4, 2018

        8 [More] Things to let Go of after High School

        Hey there! Getting through high school is the easy part. But what about after graduation? Most students are actually excited about get out into the world. The problem is they still act like they did all throughout high school. So, I decided to write a sequel post, with 8 more thing to let go of in order to have a better college experience.

        high school drama

        When you’re in high school, and know most everyone in school, it’s a lot easier to get involved or start drama. Everyone has gossip about something or someone. It’s important to let this go once you graduate. Remember, when making new friends no one likes someone all about drama. Gossiping about others only leads to trouble. Its always most important to never start drama with a roommate or others in your dorm. I’m high school it never mattered because you never lived with people you caused drama about. In college however, you don’t want to cuz drama with your roommate because that could ruin your housing situation.
        This is very important if people from your  hometown go to the same college. That means you’re more than likely to know things about them they wouldn’t like others to know. Leave them be to recreate themselves and hopefully they will leave you be also. Don’t start or cause drama in college at all, it’s just mean and very basic. I don’t mean to always be nice, but don’t get involved in any kind of unnecessary drama in school.

        Fear of being alone

        College is all about trying new things, while figuring out who you are as a person. Don’t be afraid to do your own thing or self-conscious about it. I struggle with this still, you might throughout college. I hate going anywhere by myself (even in class the first day), you just have to push yourself. You have to try new things with friends or even to make friends. Be willing to go out of your comfort zone. Try going to karaoke, or rock climbing. Maybe you’ll find something to love! After high school, you can try many things you never thought you’d get too. Don’t let fear keep you from making new memories. Also never put yourself in danger. Know when fear holds you back or when it keeps you safe.

        Conventional meal times

        These don’t exist in college. In high school, you usually had lunch between 11 and noon for an hour or so. That’s not how college works you don’t get a long lunch or maybe your schedule does not allow for lunch. Gone are the days of three square meals. Welcome the days of “it’s 9 p.m… have you eaten dinner?” “Um… I ate a bag of chips like two hours ago?” Most of my professors allow students to eat in class unless your class is in the computer lab.

        Toxic people

        Don’t be friends with someone just because it is convenient. This applies to any one, anywhere, at any time (home, significant others, new college buddies, etc.). Don’t ever feel like you have to hold on to anyone because you’re afraid of being lonely. if people in your circle are causing drama, don’t stay with them! One of the best things I did in college on Facebook was unfriend toxic people and drama starters. Letting go of college friends can be harder, because of living within close proximity. Don’t feel like you have to ban anyone, but don’t be friends with people who make you unhappy.

        High school clothing

        Everyone needs to let this go. Every piece of clothing you have received from your high school, (clubs, events, etc.) need to be removed from your closet. You buy about 10+ t-shirts within the first month or so, meaning you don’t need to bring the ones from. high school. Getting up in the morning at college, it’s a struggle to even put a bra on, let alone a reasonable/normal/dare-I-say-flattering outfit. This also applies to outfits that are weather appropriate; I can’t count how many days there was snow on the ground and I was in shorts. This becomes a fact of life.

        Another thing I highly recommend not wearing sweats or pajama pants to class. College is a place where you are preparing to go into the professional workforce, and your professors are those who will write you recommendations in the future. Make a good impression, and always wear decent clothes. This will positively benefit your future.

        Bad habits

        In high school, is the easiest time to be able to handle your money. For those who drive you were paying for your own gas. Most students have a full-time summer job, and your savings went towards college. Then, everything changed. your paying for books, school supplies, and food, as well as gas, and the remaining amount of tuition. You have way more financial responsibility than before. You’ll soon figure out you will need a job to keep up with expenses. When you move off campus, you’ll need money to pay electric, internet, rent, insurance, etc.
        Why do I tell you all this? You need to realize you need to handle your money good. For those still in high school, save as much as possible before getting into college. You will most likely think you have a lot of money, but it will be gone very fast. Be careful with your spending, utilize your dining plan, and you don’t need Starbucks every day.
        It can be easy to spend without thinking when you’re in high school, but that has to change when you’re in college. It’s time to start thinking about savings, and budgeting, and bills. Let go of your frivolous attitudes towards money if you want to be a well adjusted adult in college!

        College is not job training!

        Most high school students definitely believe this and don’t think to let go of this thought. They only think college basically trains them for a ob. They dislike taking anything unrelated to their future position. This is really sad, especially for those who attend a Journalism/Communications school.College is so much more than job training – they are supposed to shape you, teach you how to think for yourself, and make you into the person who you want to be for the rest of your life. The classes unrelated to my major are required for any type of a degree and they are they ones in which I learned the most about myself. Viewing college as job training mean you will never truly be experiencing college to the fullest degree. College is your chance to truly explore who you want to be – not only teach you how to do your chosen area.

        Being judgmental

        When you’re in high school, it is easy to be set in your ways and judgments. Your friends and family probably agree with you a lot, so your never really challenged. Going to college does that. Even going to a small private school, you are (hopefully), exposed to people with different beliefs than you, and lives other type of lies. Let go of your judgments, and accept people who are different, and that’s okay. Being judgmental of those who do/don’t have sex, drink, worship something different, etc. will only make you seem mean or rude.
        You don’t have to change yourself, although be open to accepting others as they are, without judgement. I don’t mean you can’t stand up for yourself or what you believe in, but you shouldn’t force your beliefs or opinions on others. College is about acceptance, so let go of your judgments.


        I hope that this list of eight more things to let go of after high school can help you! It’s so important to have the right mindset in college, and way too easy to hold on to negative emotions! It’s important to realize that even as a senior in college, I have yet to let all of these things go. I am still learning, and growing. I’m still working to become the best me I can be. Again, you can find the first 8 things here. What is something you wish you had let go of after high school? Let me know in the comments below!
        Monday, April 2, 2018

        12 Must-Have Apps for Every College Student

        School is starting up again soon, and I’m already excited for it! I know it’s strange, but I absolutely love school. I love going to class, writing exams, researching, everything. A lot of that, though, is because I’ve found ways to make studying and student life easier and less stressful than they normally are.

        A bit part of making life go smoothly is utilizing the tools available. I personally don’t like bringing my laptop to school unless it’s exam season, although I was getting into the online courses my very first year so I'm starting to feel better about bring my laptop. Since then, I’ve completely customized it to be my own super-school-tablet filled with amazing college apps, and I use it every day to take notes, write assignments, and make sure that I’m staying healthy! All things that are important in student life!

        So here are the college apps that I personally love, and what have worked to keep me organized and good to go!

        12 Must-Have Apps for Every College Student:

        Istudiez Pro- This is my planner, it keeps track of my courses, homework, quizzes, exams, teachers, and etc. Are you having trouble remembering the deadlines of your projects or when your next test or quiz is? Sticking to deadlines is a problem that most college students face and seemingly can’t comply with. This app will allow you to input all your important activities in its calendar so that you will not miss another important deadline again.

        Clear- How many to-do lists do you have in college? One for essays, another one for exams, the third one for parties… So, why not synchronize them all in order to get access from anywhere? Choose Clear for this goal, an application which syncs all your to-do lists with other devices and makes it easier for you to open them wherever you can find Internet access.

        Chegg- We all know that a new semester means new textbooks. But don’t jump the gun and start purchasing all your books from the school bookstore – unless of course you want to throw tons of money down the drain. Instead, download the Chegg app which lets you search and rent any available textbooks…for much cheaper than actually buying the book! Plus, when you’re done with the book, you can put it back up on Chegg and rent it out to another lucky student.

        Evernote- This app goes well with Clear and iStudiez Pro. In this app you can make a checklist, add reminders, take snapshots of notes written on classroom boards, or create a notebook directly on your phone. This app also has a market store that sells great school supplies!

        Pandora- I love this app a lot, I'm always listening to music no matter what I'm doing. I love being able to listen to music close or related to a certain artist. If I studying for an exam or a final my go-to is classical music ( either like bach, mozart, etc). 

        Groupon- Since college is expensive, and doing fun things usually requires spending some money, this app is a great way to save money. It offers hundreds of coupons. If you want to do an activity with friends, but can’t quite decide what to do, you can check this app and see if there are any great deals at places that sound fun. I had a friend who used a Groupon to get fondue with friends. I can’t have fondue, but it’s still awesome, and there are even better deals!

        MyFitnessPal- Dining Hall food is fattening. There is a reason the freshmen 15 exists. There is also the fact that more people start drinking more or start eating more than usual because there are entire sections of the dining hall dedicated to cake, donuts, etc. There is also an increase in soda and coffee consumption because of the need for caffeine. All of these things may taste awesome, but are also pretty unhealthy. When I entered college, I desperately wanted to avoid the 15. I had two plans, first, I planned to lose 15 pants prior to starting college so that if I gained 15 pounds I would be my normal size. Or, second, I would simply watch what I ate, and work out more frequently. The second plan was the route I took. This app will help you monitor calories, workouts and the calories burned, and ensure that you’re body is remaining healthy.

        Nike Training Club- Working out relieves all the stress that college puts you under. With the combined chaos of classes, homework, clubs, activities, etc; it can often be hard to find time to make it to the gym (unless you are an organized person who follows her schedule to the dot…). Nike Training Club offers equipment-less exercises and timed circuits that you can do right in your dorm room, no gym required. Sorry to break it to you, but now you’ve got NO excuses to not get your butt into gear.

        Cram- Note cards are many people’s preferred way to study, but they’re also hard to keep track of. Cram is just the solution; allowing you to create your own custom flashcard decks or even searching for pre-created decks on your topic of study.

        Easybib- Have you found yourself swamped with countless essays to write this semester? While there’s not an app to write the papers for you (at least not yet), there is one to automatically generate citations. EasyBib takes a picture of the ISBN/Barcode of the book and inputs the citation in MLA, APA or Chicago to your phone. You can then email the citations to yourself! No more losing easy points on papers because of citations.

        Merriam-Webster Dictionary- It definitely doesn’t hurt to have a dictionary conveniently tucked away in your back pocket (or purse…or backpack – wherever you keep your phone). When you’re reviewing a lecture or reading a text book and you stumble across a word you don’t understand, just take out your phone and look it up. This is great for improving your vocabulary.

        In Moment- This is a productivity app to help you stay focused in class and on school work. It helps you reduce your time in and on Social Media by 45% during your first week using this app. You are able to set limits and block Social Media, it rewires your digital habits by setting daily limits for Social Media usage, and blocks access when you're over the limit. You also get charts with time spent in all most popular Social Media.
        These apps are my go-to ones, and they have made my college experience that much smoother! I hope they help you, too!